

Cifas is a not-for-profit organization established in 1988 as the UK’s leading fraud prevention service. With over 500 member organizations, including banks, credit providers, government agencies, and private enterprises, Cifas aims to detect, prevent, and deter fraudulent activities through the power of shared intelligence and collaboration.

Mission: Cifas’s mission is to protect individuals and organizations against fraud, helping them stay one step ahead of criminals. By sharing information, developing best practices, and providing robust fraud prevention tools, Cifas strives to create a safer and more secure environment for everyone.

Initiatives and Programs:

  1. National Fraud Database: Cifas operates the National Fraud Database, a secure platform where organizations can share and access fraud-related information. This extensive database helps members identify patterns, trends, and emerging threats, enabling proactive fraud prevention and detection.
  2. Fraud Prevention Tools: Cifas offers a range of fraud prevention tools and services to its members. These include identity verification solutions, fraud detection software, and analytics tools that aid in assessing risks and safeguarding against fraudulent activities.
  3. Intelligence Sharing: Cifas facilitates intelligence sharing among its member organizations, encouraging collaboration to combat fraud. By pooling resources and expertise, Cifas members gain valuable insights and access to real-time information that helps them identify and prevent fraud attempts.
  4. Fraud Awareness and Education: Cifas conducts educational campaigns to raise awareness about fraud and its various forms. They provide resources, training materials, and workshops to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves against fraud.
  5. Research and Analysis: Cifas conducts research and analysis to understand evolving fraud patterns and tactics. This information helps shape their strategies and enables the development of innovative solutions to stay ahead of fraudsters.

Impact and Achievements: Cifas has been instrumental in the fight against fraud, contributing to significant reductions in financial losses and protecting countless individuals and businesses. By facilitating collaboration and intelligence sharing, Cifas has helped member organizations identify and prevent fraudulent activities, minimizing the impact on victims. Their comprehensive approach to fraud prevention has earned them a reputation as a trusted authority in the field.

Website and LinkedIn Presence: To learn more about Cifas and explore their range of fraud prevention services, visit their official website: Cifas Website

Connect with Cifas on LinkedIn to stay updated with their latest initiatives, industry insights, and fraud prevention tips: Cifas LinkedIn Page