Categories: AML Organizations



Global Financial Integrity is a non-profit organization founded in 2006, focused on combating illicit financial flows and promoting transparency in the international financial system. GFI conducts research, advocates for policy reforms, and provides valuable insights into the magnitude and consequences of illicit financial activities.

Mission: The mission of Global Financial Integrity is to promote transparency, accountability, and governance in the global financial system. GFI aims to curtail illicit financial flows, combat money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption, and promote sustainable economic development worldwide.

Initiatives and Research:

  1. Research and Publications: GFI conducts extensive research, analysis, and publishes reports that shed light on the magnitude and impact of illicit financial flows. Their publications provide insights into the mechanisms and consequences of various forms of financial crime, including trade misinvoicing, money laundering, and tax evasion.
  2. Policy Advocacy: GFI advocates for policy reforms at national and international levels to combat illicit financial flows effectively. They work with governments, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society to promote transparency, strengthen regulatory frameworks, and advocate for measures to tackle corruption and financial crime.
  3. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance: GFI provides capacity-building programs and technical assistance to governments, policymakers, and civil society organizations to enhance their capabilities in detecting, preventing, and investigating illicit financial activities. These initiatives aim to strengthen institutions, improve governance, and build expertise in tackling financial crime.
  4. Financial Transparency Index: GFI developed the Financial Transparency Index, which assesses countries’ efforts in combating illicit financial flows and promoting transparency. This index serves as a valuable tool for policymakers, investors, and civil society organizations to identify areas of improvement and measure progress in addressing financial transparency issues.
  5. Public Awareness and Education: GFI engages in public awareness campaigns, education initiatives, and media outreach to raise awareness about the consequences of illicit financial flows. By highlighting the societal impacts and economic costs of financial crime, GFI fosters public understanding and support for efforts to promote transparency and accountability.

Impact and Achievements: Global Financial Integrity has made significant contributions to raising awareness, influencing policy, and driving change in the field of financial transparency and illicit financial flows. Through their research, advocacy, and capacity-building initiatives, GFI has catalyzed efforts to curb illicit financial activities, strengthen governance frameworks, and promote sustainable economic development. Their work has drawn attention to the importance of transparency in global financial systems and the urgent need for collective action.

Website and LinkedIn Presence: To learn more about Global Financial Integrity and access their resources, please visit their official website: GFI Website

Connect with Global Financial Integrity on LinkedIn for updates, research insights, and engagement in the fight against illicit financial flows: GFI LinkedIn Page